Saturday, June 2, 2012

Meeting Notes - 6/1/12

Thank you to all who attended our first meeting!  It was great getting to know you, and I hope you enjoyed getting to know us a bit.  For those who weren't able to attend, I'll give a quick recap.

We introduced ourselves, and talked about how and why we started homeschooling, and how we're doing it now.

Heather gave a great overview of her homeschooling day, including how she home schools using textbooks and workbooks for her six kids.  She also spoke of some of the benefits in socialization that home schooling offers.

Robin reviewed some basic regulations we have in New York State, and explained how she uses books like biographies, along with some workbooks, games, notebooking, and lapbooking with her two children.  She also spoke about teaching children at the pre-school and elementary levels together.

Shauna spoke about how she has used a Charlotte Mason and Classical approach to teach her three boys, the oldest of which is in college now.  She emphasized her job as a facilitator for her boys to reach their individual potential, each of which is different.

Our own Pastor Carter spoke about the difference he sees between home schooling and public schooling in this day and age.

There was time to ask questions, and Heather handed out some "freebies" to those who came.

Some of the children played together in another room, under supervision from some very capable teens, while others stayed with their families in the meeting.

We hope the evening was a blessing to those who came.  Those of you who gave us your contact information will be notified of our next meeting, and the meeting info will also be posted here on the blog.  We're looking forward to future meetings, field trips, and events for the Harlem Valley Home Educators!

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