Saturday, June 9, 2012

Why Do You Home School?

Happy Saturday, everyone!  We've had a wonderful morning, watching (and playing) baseball in the rain.  At least it's not cold!

Anyway, I thought we should get a little conversation going, so we can get to know each other.  I was wondering why you've decided to educate your children at home?  Or, if you haven't decided to yet, why would you consider it?

I'll go first.  My name is Robin, and I have 2 children.  The oldest is just finishing up 3rd grade, and the youngest is 4 years old.  We started home schooling because my son was having a difficult time in kindergarten.  He understood the material, but was having a hard time sitting still and quiet for all those hours, and was constantly getting into trouble.  He finished the first grading period, and we decided to bring him home for the rest of that year.  When he finally got "destressed" a little, we found that home schooling was actually working much better for all of us.  My husband has a somewhat abnormal work schedule, so we're able to do family things on Mondays when he's off, rather than Saturdays, when he has to work

I think even more than these practical considerations, though, I am happy to see the change that's come over our family.  We are closer, and my children play happily (most of the time), despite being a boy and a girl five years apart in age!  We're also able to teach our own religion and values, without having to combat the sometimes opposite ones that children learn at school.  I also find it to work better socially.  The kids have more opportunity to do "real world" things like get groceries or visit the farm we get our milk from.  They see and talk to people of all ages and walks of life.  Plus, because they are with my husband and I during these encounters, we can see how they're interacting with other people, and help them to learn better ways of getting along.

I'm afraid I could go on and on, but I will save that for another post :)  Please leave a comment here, and introduce yourself!  We look forward to meeting you! - Robin

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