Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tooting my own...Pen?

Hello - I'm being a little self-promotional, here, but I'm just so excited!  I've been working on a curriculum for New York State History for about four years, now, and today, it was finally published!

If you're new to homeschooling, you may not know yet that New York history is required sometime before high school.  That does NOT mean that you have to spend a whole year on it, but that is exactly what I did with my oldest our first full year of homeschooling.  I figured that if we could study local history, it would be easier for him to understand, so we read about local things, and took field trips to local places, and really experienced New York.

As I was going along, I realized that New York history includes a lot of United States history, from the explorations of Henry Hudson to the Revolutionary War, from the Erie Canal to the Statue of Liberty.  So learning about New York, beyond the basic facts of population and landmarks, was a very good basis for him to learn about the whole country.

So, at the urging of my friend (Heather, of course!) I decided to try to publish my little book list as a curriculum.  What evolved is a guide to literature, biographies, activities, websites, and even a recipe, with basic information about many of the people and places that influenced the progress of our state and our country.

So, without further ado, I present "The History and Geography of New York State:  A Literature-based Guide", for sale on  I hope you enjoy it! - Robin

1 comment:

  1. Heather6/20/2012

    I am SO excited this was published!! We used the "old" original version that Robin wrote to fill in some summer learning a couple years ago and it was great! I am so looking forward to going through the "new and improved" :) version this coming school year. My own opinion's worth more than it's being sold for. There's so much packed in the study and it's a great way to get the NYS study into your curriculum plan as required by New York state in a really fun, hands on and visual way! A two thumbs up from me! :)


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