Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homeschooling Perk: Learning With Your Kids!

How many of you know that September 17 is Constitution Day in the United States?  Do you know that Lego's were invented in Denmark, and were originally made of wood?  Do you know that those wooden manikins for art are held together by springs?

Welcome to my week. I didn't know any of these things last week.  Possibly they are not important to know now.  But one of my favorite reasons for loving homeschooling is this selfish one:  I get to learn along with my kids!

It is easy as an adult to coast through life.  Unless you change jobs, you can go for months or years without learning a new piece of information.  And the information you learn for work is usually the kind that you have to know, not the kind that tickles your mind.

I've found that I really enjoy history!  Now, history was not my favorite subject in school.  All of those names and dates to memorize.  Ugh!  So, when it came time to teach history to my son, I decided to use a "living book" approach.  And you know what?  History is interesting!  Did you know that it's about people, not just names, and about events, not just dates, and that it flows together and means something for today?  I didn't, either!

My Grandmother always said "You can learn something new every day."  I was never sure how this rural housewife was able to accomplish this, but I know how I can - it's called homeschooling!

Happy learning, everyone!

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